Hidden DVD Easter Eggs

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Zombieland (2009)
(Region: 1)

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Deleted Scene:
In the Special Features menu, go to More, highlight Previews, press left, then up to highlight the Beer Helmet that Little Rock is wearing. Press enter to view a Deleted Opening Credit Scene of a man watering his flowers being attacked by a zombie.
Reported by: RFR

Deleted Scene:
Go to the Special Features menu. Go to the Theatrical Promo Trailers Menu. Highlight Play All and press left, then down. Columbus's Double Barrel will light up. Hit enter to watch a Deleted Opening Credit Scene with two police officers being attacked by two zombies in slow motion.
Reported by: RFR

Deleted Scene:
In the Special Features Menu, go to Visual Effects Progression Scenes. Highlight Banjo Zombie, press down, then left. A blood splatter will appear. Hit enter to view a Deleted Opening Credits Scene of a man being attacked by two zombies and falling down a flight of stairs.
Reported by: RFR

Deleted Scene:
In the Special Features Menu, go to the Visual Effects Progression Scenes. Highlight Play All, press Up, then left. The target on the far upper right will light up. Hit enter to view a Deleted Opening Credit scene with a zombie getting punched in the face in slow motion.
Reported by: RFR

Deleted Scene:
On the Main Menu, highlight "Play Movie". Press Down, then left, an icon will appear in the shooting range. Hit enter to view a Deleted Opening Credit Scene of a man being chased by two zombies while his car is exploding in slow motion.
Reported by: RFR

Bonus Feature:
In the Main Menu, highlight "Special Features". Press up, then right, and a target will appear in the shooting range. Hit enter to watch director Rueben Fleischer slap himself in the face a few times in slow motion.
Reported by: RFR

Deleted Scene:
In the Languages menu, on the first page, highlight "Main Menu". Press left, then down and Tallahassee's banjo will light up. Hit enter to watch a Deleted Opening Credit Scene of a zombie spitting and spewing blood in slow motion.
Reported by: RFR

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