Hidden DVD Easter Eggs

Fun Stuff

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Kissology: The Ultimate KISS Collection - Volume 1 1974-1977 (2006)
(Region: 1)

Visit the Official Site

Bonus Footage:
Disc 1: On the Main Menu press your Up button to highlight the 'KISS' logo. Now press 'Enter' and you will see the earliest known KISS performance footage from the concert at the Conventry on December 21 1973 as the band performs 'Deuce.'

Bonus Footage:
Disc 2: On the Main Menu press your Up button to highlight the 'KISS' logo. Press the 'enter' key now and you will be treated to asix-and-a-half minute clip of the band performing at Ace FrehleyÕs wedding in 1976 Ð without make-up.

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