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The Sure Thing (1985)
Special Edition (Regions: 1, 2)
Interviews and Audition Tape:
From the main menu of the disc's "Special Features" side, highlight "Featurettes" and press your Up button to highlight a checkmark under the first Polaroid. If you continue to press your Right button, a checkmark will appear under each picture. Clicking on these checkmarks will reveal, from left to right:1) A costume remark from Nicollette Sheridan (0:26); 2) Sheridan discussing her audition and the opening sequence (2:18); 3) Sheridan recalling an ad-lib (0:18); and 4) an excerpt from Sheridan's audition tape, with no audio (0:33).e white area below the picture will have a red check mark highlighted, to which you can also use the right and left controls to scroll through these four hidden menu features. They all contain bonus material pertaining to Nicollette "Sure Thing" Sheridan, mainly leftover but interesting interview footage, but also a short, silent bit of her audition tape as well.