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Wrongfully Accused (1998)
(Regions: 1, 2)
Deleted Scenes and More:
From the main menu, select "About the Film" and then go to "Cast". Press your Up button and you'll see a spinning-disc logo highlighted. Press your Enter button to get the correct answers to the trivia game. And there's more. If you press your Right button key six times in the main menu, you'll open a screen with the DVD credits. Press 3 on your remote and a picture of Leslie Nielsen will appear. Press your Enter button four times to see deleted scenes from the movie.
Trivia Answers:
At the main menu, go to "About the Film". Then go to "Cast". While in "Cast", highlight Leslie Nielson's name, then press your Up button on your remote to see a small disc logo. Press your Enter button on it and you will see all the trivia answers if you really want to cheat.