Hidden DVD Easter Eggs

Fun Stuff

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Jeepers Creepers (2001)
(Region: 1)

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Interview and DVD Alternate Menu:
From the main menu, go the "Scene Selections" section. At the bottom of the first selection screen, highlight the "Chapter 1-4" entry and then pressyour Up button. This will highlight a stitch. Press your Enter button to watch an interview clip of famed science fiction writer Richard Matheson.

Didn't notice director Victor Salva's Hitchcock-like appearance in Jeepers Creepers? This Easter Egg makes it easy to find. From the "Special Features" submenu, go to the "Cast & Crew" section. Highlight "Victor Salva" and then press your Up button. This will highlight a bloody streak. Press your Enter button to play director Victor Salva's cameo in the movie.

Here's a "creepy" Jeepers Creepers Easter Egg. Insert the movie side of the DVD and, from the disc's main menu, highlight the "Languages" menu entry. Now, pressyour Left button to highlight the image of a piece of rope. Press your Enter button now to display an alternate version of the main menu featuring the Creeper Eye.

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