Bonus Clips:
1. Put on the DVD and go to the main menu 2. Wait for 13 minutes on the main menu and a black screen that says "now what?" will appear
3. The screen will go back to the main menu and the arrow will be green
4. Go down to "The Making Of Underneath", press your Right button and that will take you to the three dots in the middle of the headphones
5. Press your Enter button on the middle dot and that will go to the "now what?" screen again
6. You're taken back to the main menu and the arrow is green, go down to "The Making Of Underneath" and go right to the three dots
7. Press your Enter button on the bottom dot
8. The the main menu will come back on and the arrow will be purple
9. Go down to "Behind the Scenes Penny & Me" and go right to the three dots
10. Press your Enter button on the top dot
11. The the main menu will be back on and the arrow will be blue
12. Go down to "Music Video Save Me" and go right to the three dots
13. Press your Enter button on the middle dot
14. You have reached the secret Hanson vault which has a menu of four short video clips:
1. "Call Me" - Isaac Hanson singing a song in his bedroom
2. "Hansonese" - The Hanson brothers doing vocal warm-ups in Taylor's car
3. "News Flash" - Isaac Hanson robot dancing to the song "Love Somebody To Know"
4. "Song To Natalie Portman" - Isaac Hanson sings a song dedicated to Natalie Portman
(Note: When you select "Song To Natalie Portman", a screen will show that says "Sorry you're going to have to find another menu for that", just press return on your remote and you'll see the video)
(Note: When you press return while playing any of the four videos above, it'll take you to the DVD credits which has a live bootleg of "Crazy Beautiful" playing in the background)
Reported by: Miss Relena