Hidden DVD Easter Eggs

Fun Stuff

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Blade II (2002)
(Regions: 2, 4)

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Behind the Scenes:
On Disc 2, from the disc's "Main Menu" go to the 'Production Workshop' and then select the 'Visual Effects' menu entry.
- Once you get to that submenu, highlight the 'Progress Reports' menu entry
- Press Right, followed by Up.
- This will highlight a vampire glyph in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
- press your Enter button now and you will see director Guillermo Del Toro having some fun with an adult toy.
Reported by: Luke Leckie Quarrie

Bonus Feature:
Disc 2
Production Workshop
Unfilmed Script Pages
Wait 30 seconds until the music stops
Press Left and Up
Select The Vampire symbol.
Reported by: Mike Cookman

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