Hidden DVD Easter Eggs

Fun Stuff

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The Work of Director Spike Jonze (2003)

MTV Awards:
1. When Side A's menu loads, select "Commentaries and Info" [The "Commentaries & Info - Page 1 of 3" menu should appear]

2. Select "Sabotage / Beastie Boys" [This takes you to a menu for the video]

3. Put your mouse over the "Sabotage / Beastie Boys" menu header. You should see the row highlighted in white with an orange "1" next to the header. Click on it.

4. You're treated to the stunt pulled by Beastie Boy Adam Yauch (as alter ego Nathaniel Hornblower) when Jonze lost to Jake Scott for Best Director at the 1994 MTV Video Music Awards.

Bonus Clip:
1. After you're done viewing Egg #1, go back to the Commentary Menu ["Commentaries & Info - Page 1 of 3"]

2. Click on "More" ["Commentaries & Info - Page 2 of 3" should appear]

3. Put your mouse over the "Commentaries & Info - Page 2 of 3" menu header. You should see the row highlighted in black with an orange "2" next to the header. Click on it.

4. You're treated to a 1995 Philadelphia TV news report about a bomb scare caused by a prop grenade used in the shoot for Ween's "Freedom of '76". Best of all is the square police officer who refers to the group as "When".

MTV Awards 2:
1. After you're done viewing Egg #2, stay on the same page, and select "Weapon of Choice / Fatboy Slim" [This takes you to a menu for the video]

2. Click on "Music video info" [This takes you to a credits list for the video]

3. Put your mouse over the "Weapon of Choice" header on the upper left of the screen. You should see the row highlighted in black with an orange "3" next to the header. Click on it.

4. You're treated to the brief but hilarious clip played at the 2001 MTV Video Music Awards when Jonze couldn't be there in person to accept his Best Director award for the video.

Bonus Clip:
1. Remove the DVD, and flip the disc over to Side B. When Side B's menu loads, select "Rarities" [The "Rarities" menu should appear]

2. Put your mouse over the "Rarities" menu header. You should see the row highlighted in white with an orange "4" next to the header. Click on it.

3. You're treated to a short but funny clip of Jonze practicing his ventriloquism skills with friend and fellow director Michel Gondry.

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