Hidden DVD Easter Eggs

Fun Stuff
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Buy this DVD NOW and SAVE!


Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! (1978)
Collector's Edition (Region: 1)

Visit the Offi../eggsinterface.fdr/spaSpecial Message:
1, go to the "Bonus Materials" page, then highlight "Killer Stuff" and press "Left" on your remote. A tomato will appear. Press your Enter button and you will be treated to a "live personal greeting" from Lloyd Kaufman (President of Troma Pictures)

Special Message:
Go to the "Special Features" page (you read correctly, there's a "Bonus Materials" page AND a "Special Features" page). Highlight "Deleted Scenes", Press "Left" and then "Down" on your remote and another tomato will appear. Press your Enter button and The San Diego Chicken will offer his views on "Easter Eggs"

© 2004-2019, JOC

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for entertainment purposes only and presented without warranty.