Hidden DVD Easter Eggs

Fun Stuff

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Highlander 4: Endgame (2000)
(Regions: 1, 3)

Various Eggs:
Disc 1: Interactive Game "There Can be Only One" -- How to find it: Go to "Bonus Material" Select 'The Interactive Game "There Can be Only One" ' the answers for the game goes as follows:

Level 1 : A,B,C,B,A,C,B,C,A,C,C,B,B,C,C,B Level 2 : A,A,B,B,C,C,A,C,C,B,B,C,A,A,A,B Level 3 : A,C,A,C,B,A,B,B,C,B,C,C,C,A,B,C

Watcher Files:

1) In "Main Menu" Press either the Left or Right arrow The watchers emblem should appear select it.

2) Go to "Bonus Material" Select "Feature Audio Commentary" Make sure that either "On" or "Off" are highlighted Press the Left arrow The watchers emblem should appear select it.

3) Go to "Bonus Material" Choose "More" Select "Deleted Scenes" Make sure that "Main Menu" and "Bonus Material" are not highlighted Press the Left arrow The watchers emblem should appear select it.

4) Go to "Captions" Make sure that "Main Menu" and "Play Movie" are not highlighted Press the Left arrow The watchers emblem should appear select it.

5) Go to "Sneak Peek" Make sure that "Main Menu" isn't highlighted Press the Left arrow The watchers emblem should appear select it.

6) Go to "DVD-Rom" Press either the Left or Right arrow The watchers emblem should appear select it.

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