Hidden DVD Easter Eggs

Fun Stuff

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Strongbad_email.exe: Disk 4 (2007)
(Region: 1)

On the main menu, select 'Bonus'. Highlight 'It Was Meant to Be'. On your DVD remote, hit the 'left' direction key 3 times. You will have highlighted a Strong Bad mask. Select it to watch some outtakes from the 'Little Girl' puppet shorts.

Bonus Feature:
On the main menu, select 'Bonus'. Highlight 'Bonus Email'. On your DVD remote, hit the 'right' direction key 3 times. You will have highlighted a Strong Bad mask. Select it to see a short film titled 'Real Life Emails', in which puppet Strong Bad tries to get his next DVD finished.

On the main menu, select 'Bonus'. Highlight 'Sample of Style 2'. On your DVD remote, hit the 'right' direction key 3 times. You will have highlighted a Strong Bad mask. Select it to see outtakes from the 'Sample of Style 2' featurette.

Bonus Feature:
On the main menu, select 'Bonus'. Highlight 'It Was Meant to Be'. On your DVD remote, hit the 'right' direction key 3 times. You will have highlighted a Strong Bad mask. Select it to watch some puppet footage titled 'Puppets on the Road'.

© 2004-2019, JOC

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for entertainment purposes only and presented without warranty.