Hidden DVD Easter Eggs

Fun Stuff

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China White Serpentine (2003)
(Region: 1)

From the Main Menu, select "Alternate Audio." On next screen, highlight "Commentary Track..." then press LEFT highlighting "Jason Christ." After that press ENTER to view a Hidden Jason Christ Interview.

Bonus Feature:
From the Main Menu, select "Behind the Scenes." On the next screen, highlight "Shooting Up" then press LEFT highlighting the Hidden Menu choice "The Dealer." Press ENTER to view a hidden Sub Rosa Studios Menu.

Bonus Video:
From the Main Menu, select "Behind the Scenes". On the next screen, highlight "Coming Down" then press LEFT highlighting the Hidden Menu choice "The Junkies". Press ENTER to view a hidden China White teaser video.

DVD Credits:
From the Main Menu, highlight "Play Movie." Then press UP which will reveal a Hidden Menu choice "DVD". Hit select to view the Hidden DVD Credits.

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