Hidden DVD Easter Eggs

Fun Stuff

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(Region: 1)

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Bonus Feature:
Disc 4 - Go to bonus features section
- Select Video 4 in the vengence chronicles
- Watch the video till you get to the point Molly is downloading a computer virus in the computer and eventually a red block comes up on Lex's computer screen
- Press enter or play when the red block appears, this takes you inside the computer where a lady gives you info about Mxzyptlk, Molly, and Bart in level 33.1
Reported by: Jeff Edelson

Bonus Feature:
Disc 4 - Go to bonus features section
- Go to video 5 in vengence chronicles
- Watch the video until chloe types in her computer that Andreas status is hero
- Press enter or play when hero is typed in, you will now see a version of the wall of weird with brainiac and Aquaman
Reported by: Jeff Edelson

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