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Marc Bolan - T. Rex: Born to Boogie
(Region: 1)
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Behind the Scenes:
Go to the Audio Set Up Menu and highlight the 'DTS option.' Now press the RIGHT directional button once (the star disapears) then press LEFT eight times. An icon should appear on the screen top right saying "18th March" (the date the concerts were filmed). Press ENTER and away you go to Marc and Ringo backstage.
Reported by: Jorg
Bonus Feature:
Go to the first T.Rextras Menu. Start playing one of the 'Slate's,' break up or wait 'til finished, then you'll be back to the Menu. Highlight the 'Slate 43' option, now press RIGHT seven times (the star disapears after first step) and then press LEFT twice. This time on the top right an icon saying "1972" will appear (the year "Born to Boogie" was released). Press ENTER and you're in "Baby, Baby, I was born to booooogie...."
Reported by: Jorg