Hidden DVD Easter Eggs

Fun Stuff

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Kikaida - Volume 5 (1972)
Collector's Edition (Region: 1)

Visit the Official Site

Promo Clip:
Select the "Special Features" option at the main menu. Select the "Interview With Ban, Daisuke" option. Highlight the "Play" option, then press your Left then Up buttons to highlight a yellow Kikaida head. Press your Enter button to view the clip.

Promo Clip:
Select the "Special Features" option at the main menu. Select the "Factoids: Episodes 11-20" option. Select the "Start" option. Press your Left button to highlight the last factoid. Press your Up then Right buttons to highlight a blue Kikaida head. Press your Enter button to view the clip.

Select the "Special Features" option at the main menu. Highlight the "KIKU-TV Promotional Spot" option. Press your Right then Down buttons to highlight a blue Kikaida head. Press your Enter button to view the photos.

Select the "Special Features" option at the main menu. Select the "Factoids: Episodes 11-20" option. Highlight the "Start" option, then press your Up then Right buttons to highlight a red Kikaida head. Press your Enter button to view the photos.

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