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Star Trek: The Original Series - Season 3 (1968)
(Region: 1)
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1. Highlight "To Boldly Go Season 3", press your Up button and then your Enter button.
Reported by: Krishna J.
2. From that very first egg position, press your Right button and then press your Enter button.
Reported by: Krishna J.
3. Go to the next menu page, highlight "Memoir from Mr. Sulu", press your Up button and then press your Enter button.
Reported by: Krishna J.
4. From that egg selection, press your Left button, then press your Enter button.
Reported by: Krishna J.
5. On the following menu page, highlight "Star Trek's Impact", press your Up button and then press your Enter button.
Reported by: Krishna J.
6. From that egg selection, press your Right button and then press your Enter button.
Reported by: Krishna J.