Hidden DVD Easter Eggs

Fun Stuff

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Bo' Selecta! - The Complete Third Series
(Region: 2)

Behind the Scenes:
This was a hard Easter egg to find but it was worth it.
It is hidden on Disc 2 of Bo' Selecta! - The Complete Third Series. This is how you access it:
Path for Easter egg:
Bo' Selecta! - The Complete Third Series;
Disc 2;
Press your Up button on the Title screen. Press your Enter button on "Extras!";
Press your Up button on the "Extras!" screen;
Now wait for a minute or two while Bear is talking. Then press your Right button when Bear says, "Deleted Scenes", C**knose's nose will light up and start wiggling, this only lasts for about ten seconds so pay attention. C**knose's eyes will light up yellow when you have selected him;
Click on C**knose.
You have now accessed the Easter egg.
Avid Merrion comes on the screen and says, " Hello to you, cheeky gentleman. You just found the Easter egg"….
You can find the rest out for yourself, it is good, it has Avid, Jack, a lady and a jacuzzi in it!
Reported by: Graeme Murphy

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